Publication: Homage to Audrey Moore (1926 – 2020)

Homage to Audrey Publication
Vessel of Love Art work
‘Vessel of Love’

A Celebration of Tapestries Woven in Her Honor

by the Communities of the Damascus Fiber Arts School

and the Willamette Tapestry Artists  –  2024

If you would like to purchase a copy of the publication, below is the link.  The price is $25, including postage in the lower 48 states.  Contact us for postage costs outside the US.

To purchase a copy of the catalog, click here.


Audrey Moore taught tapestry weaving for more than 50 years at our fiber arts school outside Portland, Oregon.  In 1967 she began spinning and weaving at the Damascus Pioneer Craft School and pursued Navajo-style techniques throughout the decades.  Upon her passing in 2020, we have continued her legacy and have named the school the Damascus Fiber Arts School.

She is best known for her series of colorful tapestries known as The Ladies.  The publication features 10 of her weavings, as well as 26 tapestry weavings from artists whom she taught and who considered Audrey their mentor.

In her honor I have created ‘Vessel of Love’, a three-dimensional dress of glass and waxed linen thread.  The rainbow of glass rods reflects the inclusiveness she radiated to all in her midst, while the waxed linen conveys the bond we share through her eternal presence.


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